Chupa-Chupa - Matisia cordata
Frucht von Matisia cordata (Zapote) in Ecuador
Fig. 1
Frucht von Matisia (or Quararibea) cordata (zapote) in Ecuador

Un zapote (Matisia cordata) abierto, Meta, Colombia
Fig. 2
Un zapote (M. cordata) abierto, Meta, Colombia

Chupa-chupa (Quararibea cordata)
Fig. 3
Chupa-chupa, Q. cordata

Matisia cordata, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia
Fig. 4
M. cordata, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

Matisia cordata, Moyobamba, Departamento de San Martín, Peru
Fig. 7
M. cordata, Moyobamba, Departamento de San Martín, Peru

Matisia (or Quararibea) cordata, a Zapote flower.
Fig. 8
M.(or Q.) cordata, a zapote flower

Matisia cordata, Moyobamba, Departamento de San Martín, Peru
Fig. 9
M. cordata, Moyobamba, Departamento de San Martín, Peru

Matisia cordata, Narino, Colombia
Fig. 10
M. cordata, Narino, Colombia

Matisia cordata, Quininde, Esmeraldas, Ecuador
Fig. 11
M. cordata, Quininde, Esmeraldas, Ecuador

Fruiting habit
Fig. 12
Cluster of immature fruit

Matisia cordata, Guamal, Meta, Colombia
Fig. 13
M. cordata, Guamal, Meta, Colombia

Chupa-chupa (Quararibea cordata)
Fig. 14

Quararibea cordata (Bonpl.) Vischer (cultivado)
Fig. 15
Q. cordata (cultivado)

Branch habit
Fig. 19
Branches appear in groups of five equidistantly spaced around the trunk in the same plane

Zapote (Mastisia cordata) Colombia
Fig. 20
Zapote (M. cordata) Colombia

Matisia cordata, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia
Fig. 21
M. cordata, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

Matisia cordata, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia
Fig. 22
M. cordata, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia

Matisia cordata Bonpl., mature fruits, Oxapampa, Perú
Fig. 23
M. cordata Bonpl., mature fruits, Oxapampa, Perú

South American sapote, chupa; Quararibea cordata, Otavalo market, Ecuador
Fig. 24
South American sapote, chupa; Q. cordata, Otavalo market, Ecuador

Quararibea cordata (zapotes) amontonados para su venta
Fig. 25
Q. cordata (zapotes) amontonados para su venta

Scientific name
Matisia cordata Bonpl.
Common names
English: chupa-chupa, matisia, sapote Columbiana, South American sapote; Brazil: sapota, sapote-do-Peru, sapota-do-Solimóes (Portuguese); Columbia: chupa-chupa, zapote amarillo, zapote, zapote chuchupa, zapote chupachupa, zapote chupa, sapote de monte, sapotillo; Ecuador: sapote, zapote; French: sapote du Pérou;
Peru: sapote de monte, sapotillo, zapote de monte, zapote chupachupa, zapote chupa; Spanish: firolisto, chupa-chupa, mamey Colorado, zapote de Monte, sapote, sapote de monte, sapotillo, zapote, zapote De monte 2
Quararibea cordata (Bonpl.) Vischer, Q. cordata (Bonpl.) García-Barr. & Hern.Cam. 1
Malvaceae (mallow family) formerly Bombaceae
Central and western Amazonia (Colombia to Peru) 1,12
USDA hardiness zones
10-12 7
Food; ornamental; pioneer species within it's natural range
40 ft (12 m) in cultivation; 130-145 ft (40-45 m) in the wild 3
Heavy canopy of stiff branches with large leaves clustered in rosettes 7
Plant habit
Erect; large tree; much branched; pagoda form 2,3,6
Growth rate
Fast-growing 3,6
Sometimes buttressed; stiff branches in tiered whorls of 5; grey-brown rugose trunk; copious gummy yellow latex 2,3,4
Pruning requirement
Required for maintaining ease of harvest
Semi-deciduous; alternate; long-petioled; clustered in whorls near the ends of the branches; membranous; glabrous; seven-nerves arising from the base 2,3
Short-stalked; cauliflorous; yellowish-white or rose-tinted; 5-petalled flowers; borne in masses along the lesser branches and trunk; bloom Jan., Feb. 3,6
Berry; oval, ovoid to elliptic; orangey-yellow, fleshy pulp; thick rind; soft; juicy, sweet; two to five hard seed; long fibres 2
Nov. 3
Light requirement
Full sun
Soil tolerances
Requires good, well-drained soils, rich in organic matter; tolerates the dry, oolitic limestone of South Florida with proper fertilization 6
pH preference
Not demanding but slightly acid conditions are preferred 4
Drought tolerance
Does not tolerate drought 6
Soil salt tolerance
Moderate 7
Cold tolerance
No frost tolerance
Most roots are shallow with only a few deeper ones providing anchorage 4
Invasive potential *
None reported
Pest resistance
Susceptible to white flies
Known hazard
None known

Reading Material
Chupa-Chupa, Fruits of Warm Climates

The tree grows wild in lowland rainforests of Peru, Ecuador and adjacent areas of Brazil, especially around the mouth of the Javari River. It is common in the western part of Amazonia, southwestern Venezuela, and in the Cauca and Magdalena Valleys of Colombia. 3
Matisia was introduced and cultivated elsewhere in the tropics e.g. in south Florida and North Queensland, Australia. 2
The South American sapote (Quararibea cordata Visch.) was introduced into South Florida from the Amazon Basin in 1964. The first crop of large "top-shaped", orange-fleshed fruit appeared nine years later. This medium-size ornamental tree, with big bold attractive "lollipop" shaped leaves, appears adapted to our warmer areas where several specimens now fruit regularly. It is thought that this interesting fruit from South America warrants further planting, both for the beauty of the tree and the quality of the sweet mango-melonlike flavored fruit. 9

Bombacaceae is no longer recognized at the rank of family but as a subfamily (Bombacoideae) within the family Malvaceae. The family Malvaceae has nine subfamilies; in the subfamily Bombacoideae is the genus Quararibea with 98 species. 6

The South American sapote (Quararibea cordata Humb. & Bonpl., Vischer) is not a relative of the other sapotes. Some authors have referred to it as “South American sapote” or “chupa-chupa”, the name used in Colombia and Peru. The tree is very fast-growing and the canopy is open with a pagoda form, with five branches appearing in several whorls along the main stem. The stem is fairly straight and can be devoid of branches for over half of its length. The foliage is dense, semi-deciduous and concentrates at the end of the branches with almost no foliage inside the canopy. 6
The appearance of the fruit is appealing, with an olive-colored skin that is slightly velvety to the touch. The fruit is juicy, similar in taste to mango, and also slightly fibrous. 12
The sapote has a symmetrical, full leaved form (Fig. 22) that makes a large ornamental for gardens or parks. 5
The fruit pulp is popular in the Amazon Region, where the fruits are commercialized and the tree grown in home gardens. 10
Zapote exhibits allelopathic activity with surrounding plants. 4

Video: 6:28
Discovering the South American sapote v1

There are no limbs for the first eight feet then branches appear in groups of five equidistantly spaced around the trunk in the same plane (Fig. 22). These radiate out and ascend at varying angles of inclination from nearly horizontal to about 60 degrees. This branching pattern is repeated at four to five foot intervals with bare trunk in between. 9

The semi-deciduous, alternate, long-petioled leaves, clustered in rosettes near the ends of the branches are broadly heart-shaped, normally 6 to 12 in. (15-30 cm) long and nearly as wide. 3
They have many prominent palmate veins. 4

Matisia cordata, Guamal, Meta, Colombia Matisia cordata, Valle del Cauca, Columbia
Fig. 5 Fig. 6

Fig. 5. M. cordata, Guamal, Meta, Colombia
Fig. 6. M. cordata, Valle del Cauca, Columbia

Flowers occur in fascicles of three, pale rose coloured, short pedicelled, 1 in. (2.5 cm) wide, with two or three bracts near base; calyx is two to five-lobed and tomentose; corolla is sub-bilabiate, with two petals a little smaller than the other three, all obovate; stamen tube with five linear lobes with about 12 anthers on each lobe; style shorter than stamens, puberulent; ovary five-angled and stigma five-sulcate and capitate. 2
The cauliflorous flowers are most curious and resemble living coral; they are tiny and formed in random masses on the limbs; creamy or yellowish, they have 5 little cupped petals, which clasp bizarre, oversized, 5-fingered, 'hairy' stamens centred by a pistil (Fig. 7). 7
Flowers open during the night and are receptive the following day. The species is mainly self-incompatible with only 10-15% of trees capable of independently setting fruit. 4

The flowers are pollinated by hummingbirds, bees, wasps and bats. In the afternoon some trees become self-compatible. 3

The fruit is rounded, ovoid or elliptic with a prominent, rounded knob at the apex and is capped with a 2- to 5-lobed, velvety, leathery, strongly persistent calyx at the base; 4 to 5 3/4 in (10-14.5 cm) long and to 3 3/16 in (8 cm) wide, and may weigh as much as 28 oz (800 g). The rind is thick, leathery, greenish-brown, and downy. The flesh, orange-yellow, soft, juicy, sweet and of agreeable flavor surrounds 2 to 5 seeds, to 1 1/2 in (4 cm) long and 1 in (2.5 cm) wide, from which long fibers extend through the flesh. 3
The flavour is reminiscent of a very sweet pumpkin with overtones of mango and apricot. Opinions vary widely over the quality of this fruit, with some people describing it enthusiastically as like a blend of mangoes, peaches and strawberries, whilst others have found it to be bland. There are forms with very little fibre and these can be utilised for juice. 7,8
The fruit has five sections and each one has a seed except when some abort leaving only the seed coat in the pulp. It takes about 240 days from anthesis to fruit ripening in the tropics, and up to 270-300 days in the subtropics. 6
They’re ready to be picked when the calyx lifts slightly and reveals a light coloured ring running round its periphery. Don’t wait for them to fall as they’re way past ripe by then. 4

Quararibea cordata (Bonpl.) Vischer (cultivado) Quararibea cordata (Bonpl.) Vischer (cultivado)
Fig. 16 Fig. 17
Matisia cordata Bonpl., Madre de Dios, Peru
Fig. 18


Some of the fruits borne in Florida appear to be of better than average quality. In northern Peru, there is reportedly a type with little fiber and superior flavor. 3

The fruit will stay on the tree until it rots. It must be harvested with a knife or a long cutting-pole. Light color around the edge of the calyx is a sign of ripeness (Fig. 1). Whitman's tree bore 58 fruits in 1976. A normal crop may be 3,000. One tree in Tefé, Brazil, produced an estimated crop of 6,000 or more fruits in a season. 3
A mature tree can produce 300-1000 fruit given suitable pollination and management, but alternate bearing can be a problem. They can be stored for about 2 weeks at room temperature. 4

The chupa-chupa is a tropical to subtropical species. In Ecuador, it ranges from sea-level to 4,000 or even 6,500 ft (1,200-2,000 m). In Florida, young trees need protection from winter cold. For best performance, the tree needs full sun and plenty of moisture. 3

The tree is commonly grown from seed but superior types should be vegetatively propagated. Side-veneer grafting can be easily done. Budding is not feasible. 3
80% of seeds will germinate if sown immediately upon removal from the fruit, the seed sprouting within 20-30 days. 5,10
With good conditions the plants grow rapidly and have a juvenility period of 5-7 years. There may be one or more seasons when maturing trees produce flowers only before progressing to set fruit. 4


The tree attains maximum dimensions in the low, wet, deep soils of South American forests, yet it does well in cultivation on the slopes of the Andes and seems to tolerate the dry, oolitic limestone of South Florida's coastal ridge when enriched with topsoil and fertilizer. 3

Normal management of removing any dead wood and it may be necessary to limit tree size. Skirting is usually not necessary as there is commonly a substantial trunk before the first tier of branches. 4
No published results are known but it will probably benefit from topping the small trees to induce low whorls of scaffold branches and prevent the tree from becoming too tall and devoid of lateral branches on the lower stem. In later years, topping of long branches and elimination of undesirable material that is damaged or diseased or growing in the wrong direction would be advisable. 6

Little experience exists. Liming could be important in acid soils. 6

The tree is normally grown in areas with plenty of rainfall. In places with a dry period of more than 1–2 months, it is advisable to irrigate. 6

The tree is subject to attack by the Keys White Fly (Aleurodicus dispursus) and the Cuban May Beetle (Phyllophaga bruneri), a scarab beetle that has been known to strip it of foliage. 9

Food Uses

This is a fruit that has always been eaten fresh out-of-hand, although it may be juiced. In general, sapote has very low nutritional value, but the carotene content is relatively high. 11
The pulp of the fresh fruit is juicy, though somewhat fibrous. A juice or nectar can be made from this pulp also. Some experiments with jam and jelly making have not given good results. 5

The deep orange color of the pulp indicates that the fruit is a good source of vitamin A; indeed, carotene levels of 2,400 µg per 100 g of pulp have been recorded for the fruit. 12

Other Uses
The wood is coarse-textured, irregular-grained, light in weight, with a low resistance to wood-eating organisms. It is easy to cut, but has poor mechanical properties. It is used as core material for doors and panelling, and to make light boxes. 10

In the upper Tahuayo (Peru), for example, the large trees are grown in association with avocados (Persea americana). This combination works well because both species have the same soil requirements. 11

List of Growers and Vendors


1 "Quararibea cordata (Bonpl.) Vischer." The World Flora OnlineWFO (2022), (CC0 1.0), Accessed on: 17 Feb. 2022.
2 Lim, T. K. "Edible medicinal and non-medicinal plants, Fruits, vol. 1." ZLibrary, 2012, Accessed 14 Feb. 2022.
3 Fruits of Warm Climates. Julia F. Morton. Miami, 1987.
4 "Chupa-chupa, South American Sapote, Zapote, Matisia (Quararibea) cordata." The Rare Fruit Club WA, Accessed 15 Feb. 2022.
5 "Food and Fruit bearing forest spedies: Examples from Latin America." FAO Forestry paper 44/3, Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1986, FAO, Accessed 16 Feb. 2022.
6 Duarte, Odilo and Robert E. Paull. Exotic Fruits and Nuts of the New World. Cambridge, CABI, 2015.
7 Facciola. S. Cornucopia II A Source Book of Edible Plants. Vista, Kampong Publications, 1998.
8 Barwick, Margaret. Tropical & Subtropical Trees. A Worldwide Encyclopaedic Guide. London, 2004.
9 Whitman, William F. "South American Sapote." Proceedings of the Florida State Horticultural Society, 89:226-227, 1976, Accessed 18 Feb. 2022.
10 Lorenzi, Harri. Brazilian Trees, A Guide to the Identification and Cultivation of Brazilian Native Trees. Vol. 3. Nova Odessa, Instituto Plantarum de Estudos da Flora, 2009.
11 The Encyclopedia of Fruit & Nuts. Edited by Jules Janick and Robert E. Paull, Cambridge, CABI, 2008.
12 Smith, Nigel, et al. Amazon River Fruits, Flavors for Conservation. Lima, Peru, Missouri Botanical Garden Press, 2007.


v1 Oswald, Stuart. "Discovering the South American Sapote (Chupa-chupa) fruit of Colombia." Stuart Oswald, 25 Mar. 2017, (CC0), Accessed 24 Feb. 2022.


Fig. 1 Wambra. "Frucht von Matisia cordata (Zapote) in Ecuador." Wikimedia Commons, 5 Feb. 2018, (CC BY-SA 4.0), Image cropped, Accessed 17 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 2 Xemenendura. "Un zapote (Matisia cordata) abierto, Meta, Colombia." Wikimedia Commons, 3 Aug. 2014, (CC BY-SA 3.0), Image cropped, Accessed 17 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 3 "Quararibea cordata - Chupa-chupa." Top Tropicals, 2005, Accessed 15 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 4 nyctibius. "Matisia cordata, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia." iNaturalist, Research Grade, 2 May 2019, (CC BY-NC 4.0), Accessed 19 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 6 Victoria, Leiner Jair. "Matisia cordata, Valle del Cauca, Columbia." iNaturalist, Research Grade, 20 Oct. 2020, (CC BY-NC 4.0), Accessed 19 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 7,9 manimiranda. "Matisia cordata, Moyobamba, Departamento de San Martín, Peru." iNaturalist, Research Grade, 30 Aug. 2021, (CC BY-NC 4.0), Accessed 19 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 8 Culbert, Dick. "Matisia (or Quararibea) cordata, a Zapote flower. The fruit is known as Zapote Chupachupa. It is native to Colombia and the northwestern Amazon basin, but has been planted widely. Central Colombia." Wikimedia Commons, via Flickr, 23 Sept., 2013, (CC BY 2.0),,_a_Zapote_flower_(9906056734).jpg. Accessed 17 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 10 Gonzalez Quiroz, Karla. "Matisia cordata, Narino, Colombia." iNaturalist, Research Grade, 27 Dec. 2020, (CC BY-NC 4.0), Accessed 19 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 11 vanessadavalosr. "Matisia cordata, Quininde, Esmeraldas, Ecuador." iNaturalist, Research Grade, 3 Apr. 2021, (CC BY-NC 4.0), Accessed 19 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 12,19 "Chupa Chupa, Quararibea cordata: A Look At The Fruit, Flowers and Tree." Garden Florida, 21 June 2021, (CC0), Images cropped, Accessed 23 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 13 Apipa. "Matisia cordata, Guamal, Meta, Colombia." iNaturalist, Research Grade, 15 Aug. 2021, (CC BY-NC 4.0), Accessed 19 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 14 "Quararibea cordata - Chupa-chupa." Top Tropicals, Accessed 15 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 15 Aguilar, Reinaldo. "Quararibea cordata (Bonpl.) Vischer (cultivado)." Vascular Plants of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, 15 Aug. 2014, (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0), Flickr, Accessed 19 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 16 Aguilar, Reinaldo. "Quararibea cordata (Bonpl.) Vischer (cultivado)." Vascular Plants of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, 18 Aug. 2014, (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0), Image cropped, Flickr, Accessed 18 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 17 Aguilar, Reinaldo. "Quararibea cordata (Bonpl.) Vischer (cultivado)." Vascular Plants of the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica, 18 Aug. 2014, (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0), Image cropped, Flickr, Accessed 18 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 18 Paine, Thimothy, C. E. "Matisia cordata Bonpl., Madre de Dios, Peru." Neotropical Plant Portal, 2022, via Flickr, (CC BY-NC 2.0), Accessed 23 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 20 Tamayo, Alejandro Bayer. "Zapote (Mastisia cordata)." Wikimedia Commons, 11 June 2014, (CC BY-SA 3.0), Accessed 17 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 21 Giraldo, Gabriel Camilo Jaramillo. "Matisia cordata, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia." iNaturalist, Research Grade, 9 June 2019, (CC BY-NC 4.0), Accessed 19 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 22 daavendanm. "Matisia cordata, Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia." iNaturalist, Research Grade, 14 May 2021, (CC BY-NC 4.0), Accessed 19 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 23 Fuentes, Alfredo F. "Matisia cordata Bonpl., mature fruits, Oxapampa, Perú." Tropicos®, (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0), Image cropped, Accessed 17 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 24 Vilseskogen. "South American sapote, chupa; Quararibea cordata, Otavalo market, Ecuador." Flickr, 26 Jan. 2008, (CC BY-NC 2.0), Flickr, Accessed 18 Feb. 2022.
Fig. 25 Hiperion93. "Quararibea cordata (zapotes) amontonados para su venta." Wikimedia Commons, 14 Apr. 2006, Public Domain, Image cropped, Accessed 17 Feb. 2022.

* UF/IFAS Assessment of Non-native Plants in Florida's Natural Areas
** Information provided is not intended to be used as a guide for treatment of medical conditions.

Published 29 Mar. 2022 LR
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